Monday, 10 May 2010

its been a long,long time.

Woow the last few months have flown by and i have done nothing except recover from one cold after another, i seem to be picking up every virus going .Its been 3 days since this last cold has disapeared and i am once again itching to get back to crafting again.I have dusted my work space down and am now in need of some time to get creating again.. I can see me getting up during the night when all is asleep,
Im off now to hop around your blogs to see what i have missed..i have missed you all so much.
Hopefuly i shall be back very soon with some new things to show you.
All my love and angel wishes tracey xxxxxxxxx


  1. Welcome back Tracey love to see some new work from your hands


  2. GREAT to see you back in the land of blogging Tracey. Look forward to seeing your lovely creations again soon. x

  3. Hi Tracey

    Pleased you are feeling up to a bit of crafting again, so many bugs lurking everywhere this year.

    Keep well.

    B x

  4. Welcome back Tracey, sorry to hear you've been under the weather. My cold beater is to take Zinc Lozenges as soon as feel it coming. It turns it into two or three days instead of eight to ten. On another note, looking forward to seeing some new and wonderful vintage creations.

  5. Hope you're feeling a lot better now


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